Friday, August 10, 2007

Share Khan or Sheer Wimp?

I would like to bring to the readers' notice, a glaring example of misconduct shown by the stock broker company Share Khan. This happened to my father, who frequently buys and sells stock through such brokers. I will fill in the complete details later, as soon as I get them from my dad. Here is what happened:

1. My parents live in Gorakhpur, where my father is posted as the manager of the city branch of a nationalized bank. Share Khan insisted that my father open an account with them, which he did. This account can be monitored online.

2. Whenever the customer wishes to buy/sell shares, he just calls up the company's local office/agent who then follows up with the request. Companies like IndiaBulls and Karvy call up the customer on the same evening to confirm the transactions. A written confirmation arrives 2-3 days later. This minimizes the need for online confirmation. However, Share Khan does not make either telephonic or written confirmations.

3. Since my father is not used to checking his account daily, he usually checks it online every 3-4 days or so. Around a month after he had opened his account, on July 6th he saw an unauthorized transaction worth approximately Rs. 2 lakhs, that had taken place on 3rd July. My father immediately called up the local office and he was assured that it would be redressed.

4. To his horror, my father realized during subsequent days that there were more unauthorized transactions on 9th, 10th, 12th, 16th and 17th July. Some of those days saw as much as Rs 15 lakh worth of unauthorized transactions. In all, the total unauthorized amount transacted was more than Rs 50 lakh rupees. Here I would like to clarify that:
a) My father was unaware of these subsequent transctions because these were logged online after a huge gap of around 8-9 days after the actual transaction had taken place. This kind of lag in logging financial transactions is totally unheard of, as the other companies log their transactions by the end of the day.
b) Even after my father's complaint after the first transaction, the agent incharge of the account was not taken off the account (let alone fired). He was operating for atleast three more days.

5. Finally on 20th, my dad met the marketing guy who had opened the account. He claimed that the invested stocks were showing a loss of Rs 20,000. If my father would bear half of that, the rest would be born jointly by the staff at Gorakhpur. After giving this ridiculous option, he went on to say that he would only be able to contribute his part on 1st August when he gets his salary. My father then emailed the head-office about the whole matter.

6. The head-office asked an officer from Lucknow to look into it. The guy, however, came and went without meeting my father inspite of an appointment. Later, an officer from Delhi came to Gorakhpur twice but the visits were fruitless. On his second visit, he could not spare any time to meet my father and discuss the issue.

7. My dad then met the local manager, who was ordered by the head office to deal with the issue. He said that the invested stocks were showing a loss of around Rs 87,000 rather than Rs 20,000 as mentioned before. He said that the company was willing to pitch in around Rs 50,000 and dad would have to "bear" the rest of the loss. The manager used an emotional crutch, saying that otherwise he himself would have to pay Rs 37,000 from his pocket, which is obviously a huge drain on a middle class person like himself. He forgot that my dad is also a middle class salaried person, who is suffering for no fault of his.

8. The agent incharge (Alok) was sacked from his job. He then called up my dad, requesting him to take his complaint back so that he can return to his job (what naivety!) When his requests failed, he asked his father to call up my dad on his behalf. The father began with apologies, and ended with saying "baad mein mat bolna ki warn nahi kiya" (Don't crib later that I didn't warn you). There is hardly anything you can say to a person like that. Later on, the editor of a local newspaper called up my dad, requesting to withdraw the complaint. He too, ended the conversation on a similar note. By this time, my parents were apprehensive, especially considering that they are in a mafia-ridden place like Gorakhpur.

9. Since 20th July, my father had written emails to the head office of Share Khan, complaining about the inaction, and did not got a single written response. At first he used to get phone calls to the tune of "we are looking into it", but one fine day, he got a call saying "aapko itni jaldi kya hai? roz email kar dete ho" (What's the big hurry? Why are you emailing everyday?). The SoB who said this probably hasn't ever been asked to recoup someone else's losses to the tune of Rs 87,000.

This is where matters stand now. At this point, our options are:
1. To go to the police and the court. This is our last resort because:
a) Any court case will be held in Bombay.
b) The case might drag on and we might have to spend a fortune paying the lawyers.

2. Contact a watchdog agency or some knowledgeable authority like Sucheta Dalal. We are in the process of doing this right now.

As a side note, I am told that unauthorized transactions are the norm in the industry, although at a much smaller scale. The agent incharge of my dad's account most probably made some initial losses, and to recover them, he made further and bigger unauthorized transactions. But why make unauthorized transactions in the first place? I suspect (although Share Khan haven't confirmed it), that the agents are paid commission on a per transaction or profit basis. I wonder why there are no checks in place.

I hope this serves as a wakeup call to all of you who are blissfully unaware of the shady dealings of such private companies.


Anonymous said...

Wow! This is crazy...seems wierd that shares can be purchased over phone...need some regulations to avoid such stuff


Parul said...

Never knew such heavily endorsed and advertised would do such a thing!

Asterix said...

@Manish: Transactions over the phone are fairly commonplace. However, the same should be confirmed asap (e.g. end of the day) so that everyone is on the same page.

@parul: You would be surprised to know how deep the rabbit-hole goes.

Anonymous said...

This has freaked me out completely!?!Both my parents invest heavily through ShareKhan...!must bring this to their notice...

Anonymous said...

Thats ridiculous and totally frustrating. Major frustration is that we can't do anything.
Other than blog can't it be put this on some other popular sites like rediff ?

Tara said...

Shocking!! Losing any amount of money and like this.. is unbelievable. Suing them might be the best option.
Good luck.

Asterix said...

@anon1: yep, the more people know about this, the better.

@anon2: I dont know if rediff or any other site will publish stories without corroborating.

@vandana: Suing them might be expensive, time consuming and also laborious because Bombay's jurisdiction will apply.

The Golden Silence said...

This is disgusting yaar...

Corporate ethics have gone for a toss...

As a third option, I would suggest sending this story to local newspapers and getting this followed up via the newspaper editor or a journalist.


Anonymous said...

Man! Classic case of aapka paisa humara paisa.

One of my friends saw his dad go thru something like this over some property, it was only when he got into university and his room mate's dad who happened to be some big shot in the police force ( really big ) hauled off the entire offending party's family to the jailhouse that things got resolved.

Yogesh said...

Also contact SEBI's investor relation service.

Anonymous said...

Amazing, especially since I thought Share Khan was a reputed operation. But being Gorakhpur, anything is possible (locally).

Asterix said...

@anon: No such luck for us. We do not know any bigshots, and won't know what to do even if we did!

@yogesh: Already did that. I am waiting for their acknowledgement card.

@shantanu: This seems to be a common problem across pure brokerage companies whose sole revenue source lies in stock trading. The Gorakhpur factor is not that important, atleast not right now.

Shrivathsa said...

why don't you take action in the consumer court? consumer court can fix this problem of yours with ease, they will also impose a fine on the company for the trouble brought upon you.

Anonymous said...

I was going 2 open a a/c with sherkhan now after reading this I think i am not going 2 make iit.

Anonymous said...

amazing!i was also planning to contact sharekhan to start investing but after reading ur horror story,no way!!!

Anonymous said...

I had put aside 5 lakhs to invest in the share market. I am in the process of researching brokerage houses and I came upon this site as a result. After reading your story, I will definetely not be going with Sharekhan. Sorry for your loss, but your story is my gain (and hopefully, a loss to brokerages like Sharekhan who don't see it fit to remedy such situations).

Anonymous said...

This is very Bad news for ShareKhan, I know this is good company, but these people also doing like fraud means it's very bad.

Anonymous said...

SEBI's Investor Relation Services is the first best option.

Unknown said...

just happened to read your blog while searching fot best online trading company......was almost sure of dealing thru sharekhan but now i going to think a number of times.
This article has been really importatnt for me......
Thanks a lot

Anonymous said...

I had almost finalised opening account with ShareKhan, but after reading your article I'll never open it with them.
ICICI direct provides option to buy / sell online including immediate online confirmation when transaction happens & does not require phone calls for buying/selling.

Asterix said...

@all: Am glad I could bring this incident to the knowledge of you all.

Unknown said...

Thank u for posting an information like this otherwise I would have opened an account hastily.Better dont leave him.if u have guts sort it by some means.

Anonymous said...

I also face same prblem with religare .RElationship manager to achive his target, without intimating me did transation on my account .it resulted into loss of rs97000 on my a/c in 2-3 days.
normally small investor not doing day trading so he can't look his accout on daily basis.Now after complainting to HEAD oFFICE,Branch Office no one still replying me frrom last 2 months,
any one please help me to sort out this issue

Anonymous said...

hey i am planning to invest some money in!!!! by reading this blog... i am feeling like not to invest anything in stocks.... i am not a daytrader...plz give me information regarding this.....I will not have much itme to do daytrading...once in a while i can see that.. so is it better to invest... if yes which is the bwst online stock brokerage company...

Anonymous said...

Hi buddy, I have been working in this industry for quite some time and can tell u tht this is a common porblem which many people face....
The best solution would be to log a complaint with sebi.You can do this online and once the complaint is logged in within 21 days u wud see some action being taken by shareKhan guys....
Hope the matter gets cleared of at its earliest.

Unknown said...

Oh! my god
Can't believe it. I was insisting my dad to invest through ShareKhan on my behalf and if this is true i am gonna cancel my account . I hope the matter is resolved asap and justise is made against the culprit.

Unknown said...

The culprit here is Sharekhan itself allowing such rogue dealers to handle such accounts. In such cases, all account holders should be vetted thoroughly.
I am closing my account.
Thanks for bringing this to public notice.

Anonymous said...

I am facing similar problem with Sharekhan UAE. They sold my stocks without my approval. My holdings are not shown in my demat a/c. I feel they are a fraudualnt bunch.

Uma said...

Avoid ShareKhan broker. They will make sure you make losses.
Read my blog about it:

Uma said...

Avoid ShareKhan broker. They will make sure you make losses.
Read my blog about it:

Chethan said...

I am planning to invest some amount in stocks. After reading this, i am very much worried about openinng account with sharekhan. But some of my frnds hav eopened account wiht share kahn but they have not faced ant problem.

Anonymous said...

You should open an account as a corporation and not as an individual. You should make them sign your contract agreements.

Well, I am planing to open an account in India but India is still a CRAP. Trust me its never going to be better.

Anonymous said...

Thank you.I have already opened an account in this Company. Surely I will close my account. I have already faced some problems with marketing executives.Thanks once again.

Rama Raju,Visakhapatnam

pras said...

They have an extremely week Portal infrastructure for their online trading portal. It crashes at the drop of a hat.You would not be able to use it when you need to do it. The authorities should cancel thier licence to offer an online portal. Customer service is very poor too

Anonymous said...

Do you hold a Sharekhan account? If so read on. If not still read on...

Have you checked your contract notes and calculated them? If not, do so now...

Sharekhan would have offered you a brokerage in % terms on the account opening form. Next to that column there was a column that said minimum. Did you fill that? If, yes... do you know that you are trapped? It did not say per share...

Yes... that means that without disclosing, Sharekhan is charging that minimum paisa per share or the % whichever is higher. 80% - 90% of the scrips you will trade will get calculated by that paisa per share... Lower the cost of the scrip per share, higher the percentage.

If that minimum paisa is 5, then your percentage on brokerage can be as high as full 5%

If that minimum paisa is 4, then your percentage on brokerage can be as high as full 4%

If that minimum paisa is 3, then your percentage on brokerage can be as high as full 3%

If that minimum paisa is 2, then your percentage on brokerage can be as high as full 2%

By showing you a lower brokerage in % terms, they are putting in the minimum paisa per share without disclosing in on the account opening form.



Anonymous said...

This is really shameful for the company itself, because for the sake of increasing the volumes of their segments, their staff persons are playing with the money of the innocent investors, above this with sentiments. One should have to learn about his/her rights to start investing in the stock market directly.
Yes, as others comments posted on the web have to contact SEBI with detailed transactions.

sameer kulpaty

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Anonymous said...

Thanks for the information.I was searching for a good online trading website and I was almost going to contact Sharekhan.Also because opening ICICIDIRECT account is cumborsome here in Dubai.They need lots of documents.I would however, now go with them.

Anonymous said...

Dear Friend,
In fact I visited ShareKhan website and left my contact details for opening an account. The representative is calling me every day to fill up the forms. I have been postponing it for some reasons or the other. Now, I will have to think again before opening an account with ShareKhan. Thank you once again.

Unknown said...

I have been cheated terribly... have lost almost 50000 Please think 500 times before opening an account .... SHaREKHan are big frauds............

jaspreet said...

Sharekhan agents hacked my online account and made sold my whole portfolio and bought some options from it for which there was no buyer in mkt .. Thats another way of transfering money i guess. I suffered a loss of 4 lakhs . I called them up . My account is in mumbai but i stay in delhi so no one is helping . They say only if SEBI says then they will investigate. This happened in May , election time.I have filed a complaint with delhi police but no progress. Please help me and if someone has faced similar prob , contact me on


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Anonymous said...

I also had very bad experience with sharekhan.the customer service is too bad.

Unknown said...

never open sharekhan account ,once you open an account you will never be able to spk to customer care, they just dont care, i am suffering

Anonymous said...

hi............. very happy with everyone of you , you spend precious time of yours to help and guide others.... great .... keep it up........

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Anonymous said...

Pathak. Your story is really eye opening. I want to open a trading account and was researching for the same when I came across your story.

Now it has been almost six years. Readers would like to know what is present status of your story. Please share it with us.

I have come across one more similar story regarding Sharekhan. I am sharing it with you and all readers. It is a court document.

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city beautiful moto vlogger said...

I opened up a trading account with Sharekhan Limited one year back in 2014. My account was opened with sector-38, Chandigarh branch. Initially their representative Manohar mobile no.(9872882154) committed me that this account is opened up free of cost and there are not going to be any annual maintenance charges for lifetime. But after one year i got a message that i need to 500 rs annual maintenance charges ( 250 rs after every 6 months). When i called up at their sector 38 branch they said yes you need to pay these charges. I talked to Manohar and he simply refused that he committed me about the lifetime free charges. Then i realized that it is a trap set by the company representatives so that they can achieve their sales target. I feel cheated. Moreover, Manohar is rude to me. I don’t know how to get my problem solved as nobody wants to help me. I want to tell people that don’t deal with Sharekhan Limited as it is a fraud trading company. I am duped, cheated and harassed

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من الان لن تجد اي ردائة في مستوي الصيانة معنا في صيانة لاجيرمانيا نوفر لك صيانة علي اعلي مستوي من خلال فننين ومهندسين مدربين نرسلهم اليك من صيانة ليبهر تواصل معنا الان وتعرف علي الاسعار والخدمات التي نوفرها اليك من صيانة ونسا احصل الان علي معدات حديثة ومطورة في الصيانة من صيانة البا والتي تصلح اي عطل لاي نوع من انواع الاجهزة الكهربائية

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تواصل الآن مع مركز خدمة عملاء ال جي الاقرب لمنزلك اينما كنت في مصر حتى تتمكن من الحصول على خدمات الصيانة لاجهزة خدمة عملاء سامسونج الكهربائية المتنوعة و التي يمكنك اصلاحها على يد فريق متخصص من فنيين الصيانة في مراكز خدمة عملاء كاريير المدربين على مستوى عالي من الخبرة و المهارة في اصلاح الاجهزة

اريستون said...

يمكنك الآن الحصول على اقل الاسعار على خدمات صيانة اريستون المتكاملة التي تحتاجها اينما كنت في مصر و ذلك من خلال التواصل مع مركز صيانة جليم جاز المعتمد الاقرب لمنزلك و الذي يمكنك من خلاله الحصول على كافة خدمات صيانة يونيون اير المتكاملة تحت اشراف فريق متخصص من فنيين الصيانة

sharemarketedo said...

Top 3 Intraday Trading Tips For Today :
Top 3 Intraday calls are the Buy/Sell suggestions created based on specialized intraday tips,intraday ideas,best intraday tips,and subordinate information indicates wherein the positions have be entered and left on a similar exchanging day.Intraday calls will be produced in real money and F&O sections and will have a legitimacy of one day i.e. between (9:15am – 3.30pm). The calls ought to be executed when the hidden cost is citing inside the referenced range.

Top 3 Intraday Time : 9:15 Am – 10:30 Am
Tips and tricks while doing Top 3 Intraday trading First of all find out market direction whether it’s bullish, bearish or stable. If we see present scenario, Market is continuously in bullish zone so I will find bullish stocks to trade for intraday rather than selling anything.
Find out best performing stocks of last few days or weeks. Now what you have to do in Intraday? Whenever you are watching these bullish stocks near low or making low, you have to buy them with strategic Stop-loss.
First of all you have to identify that whether market is bullish or bearish than find out bullish stocks only if market is bullish and buy them when they are coming near support. You can find out support and resistance levels easily for that day by entering previous high, low and close price online.
Following is the list of TOP 3 intraday trading ideas for today–

Share Tips Today
Thanx For Giving Valuable Information

Free Intraday Tips,Top 3 intraday Trading Tips For Today

sharemarketedo said...

Top 3 Intraday Trading Tips For Today :
Top 3 Intraday calls are the Buy/Sell suggestions created based on specialized intraday tips,intraday ideas,best intraday tips,and subordinate information indicates wherein the positions have be entered and left on a similar exchanging day.Intraday calls will be produced in real money and F&O sections and will have a legitimacy of one day i.e. between (9:15am – 3.30pm). The calls ought to be executed when the hidden cost is citing inside the referenced range.

Top 3 Intraday Time : 9:15 Am – 10:30 Am
Tips and tricks while doing Top 3 Intraday trading First of all find out market direction whether it’s bullish, bearish or stable. If we see present scenario, Market is continuously in bullish zone so I will find bullish stocks to trade for intraday rather than selling anything.
Find out best performing stocks of last few days or weeks. Now what you have to do in Intraday? Whenever you are watching these bullish stocks near low or making low, you have to buy them with strategic Stop-loss.
First of all you have to identify that whether market is bullish or bearish than find out bullish stocks only if market is bullish and buy them when they are coming near support. You can find out support and resistance levels easily for that day by entering previous high, low and close price online.
Following is the list of TOP 3 intraday trading ideas for today–

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Thanx For Giving Valuable Information

Free Intraday Tips,Top 3 intraday Trading Tips For Today

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