Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Blogger slyly slips in a post before the end of the year

I reckoned what better than to give the old readers a jolt by proclaiming my existence after a gap of four months!

The year 2008 was a very interesting year in many aspects for me. First, Mumbai was under siege twice in a span of just 28 days. I am, of course, talking about the 4-day siege of the IIT campus during the Mood-Indigo fest in December. The little terrorists were all home grown and came from all localities of Bombay. It was yet another security failure at IIT, as 17-yr old PYTs entered the main gate of IIT by uttering the magic password (psst, it is 'faculty'). Holding the residents at ransom, the young jihadis made their moods all shades of purple and red. Infact any color but indigo. They possessed sophisticated weapons, including wannabe attitudes and SMS lingo. And we all know that words like "wid" and "dere" can pierce any brain with a double digit IQ. My heart goes out to the 30-yr old anonymous unarmed civilian post-doc, who jumped at and single-handedly evicted seven of the intruders, without caring for his life. If that is not enough to get him a Padma Bhushan, then I don't want to live in this country anymore.

Now according to a totally untrustworthy "gender-indicator" site, this is a 52% heterosexual blog, so enough about gay colors like indigo. Another color that fell out of favor during this year was yellow, or as the Aussies call it, Baggy Green. Nothing gave me better joy than to see them drubbed by our chindi si Indian team in India, and then by South Africa in Australia. There is a god after all, and I strongly suspect that he has made 49.5% reservations in all matches played by India.

Then there were other things, whose memories have faded/blocked for now --- like The Dark Knight, the 5-0 whitewash of England and the seemingly endless PhD.

All in all, can't complain too much. Looking forward to crib in 2009.

Have a good one.


Mudra said...

*Hindi film tone* Kaheen yeh mera sapna toh nahi?!

Finally you blogged! Yayy.

Also, excuse me, but the "17 year old PYTs" are invited and awaited by the IIT junta. So much for your intellectual elitism. (I'm not 17, and not a PYT, but that doesn't mean they don't have rights. Hah!)

Hersqu to you.

The Golden Silence said...

Welcome back :)

Well, what to say about Mood-Indigo.

They come every year in huge numbers, then the campus witnesses an orgy of red-blue-purple-black... oooh, I just got a completely unrelated question in my mind... what is the color of skin?... anyways, the deprived species of the campus cannot express their emotions and their brains are unable to comprehend the sudden change of mood in the campus. After four days of ogling, the color of their sleep deprived goes Indigo. There you go... mood-Indigo!


Anonymous said...

hny dude. now go change your 'about me' :-P

Tweety said...

Hey Asterix..

Welcome back, but I must say you've gotten a bit rusty ;) Need to hone your skills in this new year!
In any case.. good one no doubt - beter than a post I would come up with after a year long hiatus :p And though I'm glad Mood Indigo is over - She's got the look did rock after the horrendously-belated start :):)

clattomp (read as Cheers!),

Tara said...

Hmmm.. a post after a looooong time.. "You have some essplainnin to do"
I'm sure the PYTs brightened the dull "indigoish" atmosphere of IIT. Stop being so snooty.. :-)
Hope you have a new year resolution for 2009.... (hint) more blogs per month..

workhard said...

Hey.. ur style of writing is pretty good..

Haiku poetry